The Daily Mirror

Los Angeles history

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May 20, 1958


Photograph by Ed Gamer / Los Angeles Times


1945_map_detailTimes columnist Jack Smith pays a farewell visit to the Amestoy Building at the northeast*   corner of  Market and Main (shown in 1945 map) across from City Hall.


Amestoy died Jan. 11, 1892, at the age of 60.

Note that the photo also shows a lounge  called the Stake Out. This was a favorite hangout for police officers as it was across from headquarters, which was then located in City Hall.

* Shoutout to Nathan Marsak for pointing out my error on saying the Amestoy Building was the northwest corner ... Thanks, crime buddy.

Amestoy Hotel, Demolition 1958
(original file from CD: "Amestoy Hotel 1958 demolition.docx", 11/14/2015)


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